Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cat Free YouTube Channels: Drachinifel


Nerds!!! But only military history nerds need to apply.

I am a big fan of history, technology, and all things that fly. That lead me to add Military History to my list of interests.

This channel does a great job of covering the history of not just ships but also the technology used on those ships as well as the evolution of the ships over time. 


The Rating uses G, PG, PG-13, and R while the other categories use A for the best that I know of, B for good but others might be better, C is average, D below average, and F is just terrible. 
  • Rating PG This channel is profanity-free which is nice to see but it is all about military history and that means warfare. That also means people die in none too pleasant ways. It is not graphic but when talking about warfare I believe parental involvement needs to be involved. 
  • Quality B  Production quality is good but a lot of the images are just that images with Drachinifel doing a voice-over. I feel the writing and research is very good. Some of the early videos use a voice synthesizer instead of a human voice and it can be distracting. The information is still good but you may want to see if he has remade that video with a human voice before watching some of the older videos.
  • Community A The communities on YouTube Channels are often terrible but not this one. The community is small and you will see very little drama. Sure you may get into some heated debates about things like the value of the British armored flight decks in World War II or F4U versus F6F as to which was better but nothing really nasty.
  • Depth A Yes this is pretty deep. Not as deep as it could be since we are talking about Military History here but deep enough for a YouTube Channel.
  • Entertainment Value B  This channel is much like the last one I reviewed Lore Reloaded except that instead of doing deep dives into fictional starships Drachinifel does deep dive into real historical starships. If you are into military history you may like it. If not then this channel is probably not for you. It lacks a broad appeal but that is not a terrible thing.   
  • Overall B A good channel if you like naval military history.  I am glad that Drachinifel has dropped the robot voice overs.
Where to watch it

  YouTube Drachinifel

What I think of this show

After talking to my wife I increase the scorecard for this channel. I actually really like this channel and it is great. I am really going for nerdy content it would seem. I really like this show and I have learned a lot from it. That being said it is not going to be a show that everyone loves. It is a Naval Military History Channel before you dismiss it might I suggest that you watch this video. 

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