Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The problem with a lot of YouTube channels I used to like.

My wife says I am not like other people.

This is a terrible picture of me wearing my Snoop Dog "as in Snoopy" hoodie. It is also a NASA Apollo hoodie. I love tools, I like homesteading and rural life, I like high technology, I like retro technology, I like history, and I like teaching my Sunday School class. But three things I really do not like are politics, left-wing self-loathing,  and right-wing conspiracy nuts!

I have friends that fit into both categories. For an example of left-wing self-loathing just listen to any music by Midnight oil. A bunch of white guys from Australia that sing about how badly the indigenous population was treated. This is true but the made a bunch of money singing about it and maybe the gave some money to help but I bet they made a pretty good living at it as well. I am sure that people feel cleansed by being told how terrible they are but it really helps nothing,

Then you have the right-wing conspiracy theory nuts that think they have the inside dope on how the world really works. You also have the left-wing conspiracy theory folks but I have not been bothered by them of late. This is the problem there is a YouTuber that does some really good projects and reviews. I really like what he does except that he is a prepper. He also has a video on preparing for WW III. He is also a big concealed carry guy and talks about taking his gun with him to dinner with his wife.  I have friends that have guns and that is fine but I do not own a gun and never really needed one.

Planning for World War III is just in my opinion a little crazy. Same thing for trying to defend the US from invasion with your own gun or rebelling against the United States government. 

So here is the problem. Because I watched his video YouTube is suggesting other extremist gun nut and prepper videos to me.

But wait your blog is all over the place as far as subjects.
Yes, that is correct but this blog is more just for me to try and improve my writing skills. I am not trying to make money off of it and my views are in the double digits at best not in the tens of thousands. It is just my interests and I keep politics out of it. In fact, this is going to be the only post I make on this subject but I really wanted to get it off of my chest. Plus I think it is possible to like making and growing things without preparing for the end of the world.

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