Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Podcast Picks: Cordkillers


+Cordkillers is a podcast about living without cable tv. There tagline is, "Watch what you want, when you want, on any device you please". Each show is composed of several segments. The show is fun and well produced. The hosts +Brian Brushwood and +Tom Merritt are personable, entertaining, and knowledgeable.  

The Rating uses G, PG, PG-13, and R while the other categories use A for the best that I know of,B for good but others might be better,C is average, D below average, and F is just terrible. 
  • Rating PG Little kids will probably not like this show but there is nothing wrong with the language or content. Brian Brushwood is a father with small children. He knows the importance of parental controls on streaming services and covers those as well as child friendly content. 
  • Quality A  +Tom Merritt and +Brian Brushwood have been podcasting for years. The production value is high and the content well thought out. 
  • Community A The community around this podcast is one of the best on the Internet. It actually seems pretty friendly and troll free. 
  • Depth A The show does a good job of covering both "New Media" and television and movies. 
  • Entertainment Value A It is a fun show to watch or listen to as a podcast. The hosts take what could be a dry subject and present it in an interesting and fun way. 
  • Overall A I listen to this show every week and even donated to the funding  for the show. 

A Little History

Cordkillers is a new show with a long history. Tom Merritt and and Brian Brushwood were hosts of a cord cutting show on the TWiT network called Framerate. When TWiT decided to not renew Tom Merritt's contract, he and Brian Brushwood used the show's format, with some revamping, to create Cordkillers. 

How do I feel about this show.

My wife and I were big fans of Framerate on the TWIT network. You can read more about Framerate in the section called A Little History. Cindy and I were very unhappy when the show ended and very excited when Cordkillers started a few weeks ago. Cordkillers is a great replacement for Framerate and a great source for news on the subject of cord cutting. AKA going without cable TV. The only area that this show does not cover well is the use of over the air TV aka using an antenna.  So yes, you should watch this show how you want, when you want, and on whatever device you want.

How to get the show

You may watch Cordkillers on YouTube, you can download and/or subscribe to the show from the Cordkillers website.

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